Free WHMCS oAuth API


Download WHMCS oAuth API (2797 downloads)

Designed for developers. Create easy access between your application and your WHMCS installation. Or give your clients access to your WHMCS API.

This oAuth API is easily extendable with certain security measures in place to ensure the client only has access to their account.

This Plugin will work with the latest versions of all major browsers listed below:

Google Chrome | Mozilla Firefox | Safari | Internet Explorer | Opera

You will need to have the following software in order to fully enjoy this plugin:

  • WHMCS Software – A licensed copy of WHMCS software  must be installed on your website for the plugin to work.

  • FTP Client – You will need to have an FTP client (such as FileZilla) to upload the plugin package to your WHMCS website.

This Plugin can be install on your own WHMCS website.

Download WHMCS oAuth API (2797 downloads)

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